Wisconsin microbiome study, a cross-sectional investigation of dietary fibre, microbiome composition and antibiotic-resistant organisms: Rationale and methods

Shoshannah Eggers, Kristen M.C. Malecki, Paul Peppard, Julie Mares, Daniel Shirley, Sanjay K. Shukla, Keith Poulsen, Ronald Gangnon, Megan Duster, Ashley Kates, Garret Suen, Ajay K. Sethi, Nasia Safdar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

28 Scopus citations


Introduction Prevention of multidrug-resistant organism (MDRO) infections, such as those caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant enterococci, fluoroquinolone-resistant Gram-negative bacteria and Clostridium difficile is crucial. Evidence suggests that dietary fibre increases gut microbial diversity, which may help prevent colonisation and subsequent infection by MDROs. The aim of the Winning the War on Antibiotic Resistance (WARRIOR) project is to examine associations of dietary fibre consumption with the composition of the gut microbiota and gut colonisation by MDROs. The secondary purpose of the study is to create a biorepository of multiple body site specimens for future microbiota research. Methods and analysis The WARRIOR project collects biological specimens, including nasal, oral and skin swabs and saliva and stool samples, along with extensive data on diet and MDRO risk factors, as an ancillary study of the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW). The SHOW is a population-based health survey collecting data on several different health determinants and outcomes, as well as objective body measurements and biological specimens. WARRIOR participants include 600 randomly selected Wisconsin residents age 18 and over. Specimens are screened for MDRO colonisation and DNA is extracted for 16S ribosomal RNA-based microbiota sequencing. Data will be analysed to assess the relationship between dietary fibre, the gut microbiota composition and gut MDRO colonisation. Ethics and dissemination The WARRIOR project is approved by the University of Wisconsin Institutional Review Board. The main results of this study will be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere019450
JournalBMJ Open
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • epidemiology
  • microbiology
  • molecular biology
  • public health


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