Variation in pituitary-gonadal function in adolescent male homosexuals and heterosexuals

Gary A. Parks, Sigrun Korth-Schutz, Robert Penny, Ronald F. Hilding, K. W. Dumars, S. Douglas Frasier, Maria I. New

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21 Scopus citations


Twenty-eight consecutive daily determinations of FSH, LH and testosterone were made in 6 adolescent male homosexuals and 6 male heterosexuals matched for bone age and pubertal stage. All were in the same daily institutionalized regimen. All values for FSH (4.5-11.0 mIU/ml), LH (8.5-16.0 mIU/ml), and testosterone (274-1192 ng/100) were within normal limits for bone age and pubertal development. The hormonal values of homosexuals did not differ significantly from those of the heterosexuals. However, there was great day-to-day variation in FSH, LH and testosterone, thus indicating that single determinations do not necessarily give a clear picture of the pituitarygonadal axis. These data do not support the findings of others where only single determinations of these hormones indicated a difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)796-801
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
Issue number4
StatePublished - Oct 1974
Externally publishedYes


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