Validation of the Seattle angina questionnaire in women with ischemic heart disease

Krishna K. Patel, Suzanne V. Arnold, Paul S. Chan, Yuanyuan Tang, Philip G. Jones, Jianping Guo, Donna M. Buchanan, Mohammed Qintar, Carole Decker, David A. Morrow, John A. Spertus

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25 Scopus citations


Background: Although the Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) has been widely used to assess disease-specific health status in patients with ischemic heart disease, it was originally developed in a predominantly male population and its validity in women has been questioned. Methods: Using data from 8892 men and 4013 women across 2 multicenter trials and 5 registries, we assessed the construct validity, test–retest reliability, responsiveness to clinical change, and predictive validity of the SAQ Summary Score (SS) and its 5 subdomains (Physical Limitation (PL), Anginal Stability (AS), Angina Frequency (AF), Treatment Satisfaction (TS), and Quality of Life (QoL)) separately in men and women. Results: Comparable correlations of the SAQ SS with Canadian Cardiovascular Society class was demonstrated in both men and women (−0.48 for men, −0.46 for women). Similar correlations between the SAQ PL scale with treadmill exercise duration and Short Form-12 (SF-12) Physical Component Summary were observed in women and men (0.34–0.63 and 0.40–0.63, respectively). SAQ AS scores were significantly lower for both men and women with acute syndromes compared with 1 month later. The SAQ AF scale was strongly correlated with daily angina diaries (0.62 for men and 0.66 for women). The SAQ QoL scores were moderately correlated with the EQ5D visual analog scale and SF-12 general health question in men (0.43–0.50) and women (0.33–0.39). All SAQ scales demonstrated excellent reliability (intraclass correlation ≥0.78) in both men and women with stable CAD and were very sensitive to change after percutaneous coronary intervention (≥15-point difference in scores, standardized response mean ≥ 0.67). The SAQ SS was similarly predictive of 1-year mortality and cardiac re-hospitalizations for both men and women. Conclusion: The SAQ demonstrates similar psychometric properties in men and women with CAD. These findings provide evidence for validity of the SAQ in assessing women with IHD.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)117-123
Number of pages7
JournalAmerican Heart Journal
StatePublished - Jul 2018
Externally publishedYes


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