To Code or Not to Code: Teaching Multidisciplinary Clinicians to Conduct Code Status Discussions

Brigit C. Palathra, Fernando Kawai, Clara Oromendia, Archana Bushan, Yera Patel, Jane Morris, Cynthia X. Pan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Background: Code status discussions (CSDs) can be challenging for many clinicians. Barriers associated with them include lack of education, comfort level, and experience. Objective: To conduct an educational intervention to improve knowledge and communication approaches related to CSDs. Design: A cross-sectional multidisciplinary educational intervention was conducted over one year consisting of an interactive presentation, live role-play, and pre-and post-intervention tests to measure impact of the formal training. Evaluations and comments were also collected. Setting/Subjects: Attending physicians, nurses, residents, fellows, and physician assistants (PAs) at an urban community teaching hospital of 500 beds serving an ethnically diverse population. Measurements: Data from pre-and post-intervention tests evaluating knowledge and communication approach regarding CSDs were collected. Participants completed a qualitative evaluation of the program. Results: There were 165 participants: 29 attending physicians, 26 residents, 17 fellows, 18 PAs, and 75 nurses. All (100%) completed the pre-intervention test and 154 (93.3%) completed the post-intervention test. There was an overall improvement in scores, 43.8% pre-intervention to 75.6% post-intervention (p-values <0.005). Attending physicians and fellows had the highest pre-intervention scores, while nurses and PAs had the lowest. Most participants (97%) reported they learned new information and 91% stated they would change patient management. Conclusions: Our study found that a brief educational intervention with multipronged teaching tools improved knowledge concerning CSDs. Participants felt it provided new insights and would change their practice. This study contributes to the literature by examining CSD training across different disciplines, allowing for cross-group comparisons. Future studies should try to correlate educational interventions and clinician knowledge with clinical practice outcomes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)566-571
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Palliative Medicine
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • advance directives
  • code status discussion
  • communication training
  • multidisciplinary


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