The small molecule nitazoxanide selectively disrupts BAMmediated folding of the outer membrane usher protein

John J. Psonis, Peter Chahales, Nadine S. Henderson, Nathan W. Rigel, Paul S. Hoffman, David G. Thanassi

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16 Scopus citations


Bacterial pathogens assemble adhesive surface structures termed pili or fimbriae to initiate and sustain infection of host tissues. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli, the primary causative agent of urinary tract infections, expresses type 1 and P pili required for colonization of the bladder and kidney, respectively. These pili are assembled by the conserved chaperone- usher (CU) pathway, in which a periplasmic chaperone works together with an outer membrane (OM) usher protein to build and secrete the pilus fiber. Previously, we found that the small molecule and antiparasitic drug nitazoxanide (NTZ) inhibits CU pathway-mediated pilus biogenesis in E. coli by specifically interfering with proper maturation of the usher protein in the OM. The usher is folded and inserted into the OM by the β-barrel assembly machine (BAM) complex, which in E. coli comprises five proteins, BamA-E. Here, we show that sensitivity of the usher to NTZ is modulated by BAM expression levels and requires the BamB and BamE lipoproteins. Furthermore, a genetic screen for NTZ-resistant bacterial mutants isolated a mutation in the essentialBamDlipoprotein. These findings suggest that NTZ selectively interferes with an usher-specific arm of the BAM complex, revealing new details of the usher folding pathway andBAMcomplex function. Evaluation of a set of NTZ derivatives identified compounds with increased potency and disclosed that NTZ's nitrothiazole ring is critical for usher inhibition. In summary, our findings indicate highly specific effects of NTZ on the usher folding pathway and have uncovered NTZ analogs that specifically decrease usher levels in the OM.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)14357-14369
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of Biological Chemistry
Issue number39
StatePublished - 27 Sep 2019
Externally publishedYes


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