Systems biology primer: The basic methods and approaches

Iman Tavassoly, Joseph Goldfarb, Ravi Iyengar

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137 Scopus citations


Systems biology is an integrative discipline connecting the molecular components within a single biological scale and also among different scales (e.g. cells, tissues and organ systems) to physiological functions and organismal phenotypes through quantitative reasoning, computational models and high-throughput experimental technologies. Systems biology uses a wide range of quantitative experimental and computational methodologies to decode information flow from genes, proteins and other subcellular components of signaling, regulatory and functional pathways to control cell, tissue, organ and organismal level functions. The computational methods used in systems biology provide systems-level insights to understand interactions and dynamics at various scales, within cells, tissues, organs and organisms. In recent years, the systems biology framework has enabled research in quantitative and systems pharmacology and precision medicine for complex diseases. Here, we present a brief overview of current experimental and computational methods used in systems biology.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)487-500
Number of pages14
JournalEssays in Biochemistry
Issue number4
StatePublished - 26 Oct 2018


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