Successful Treatment of Perioral Dermatitis with Upadacitinib

Anya Patel, William C. Lau, Mark G. Lebwohl

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Perioral dermatitis is a benign, chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by small papules, pustules, and erythematous scaly patches around the perioral region. Treatment is not reliably effective, and the condition can be prolonged. We herein report a case of the successful treatment of perioral dermatitis using upadacitinib. A 45-year-old female with a history of rosacea, presented to the clinic with a 2-3-year history of severely pruritic erythematous papules around the chin and mouth, consistent with perioral dermatitis. Our study demonstrates that Janus kinase inhibitors are a promising therapeutic modality for this condition.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1984-1986
Number of pages3
JournalSKIN: Journal of Cutaneous Medicine
Issue number6
StatePublished - Nov 2024


  • Janus kinase inhibitor
  • perioral dermatitis
  • upadacitinib


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