The magnetic excitations in Fe//xSi//9//0// minus //xB//1//0 metallic glasses have been studied by low angle neutron inelastic scattering. Well defined spin waves were observed up to 0. 12 Angstrom ** minus **1 at room temperature and above. By extrapolation of high temperature data for the spin wave stiffness constant D(T) to 0 K, the authors found D(0) equals (192 plus or minus 10) and D(0) equals (220 plus or minus 10) meV Angstrom **2 for Fe//8//1Si//9B//1//0 and Fe//7//5Si//1//5B//1//0, respectively. Neutron diffraction results are discussed in relation to previously published magnetisation data on Fe-Si-B and neutron and magnetisation data on Fe-B amorphous alloys.