Some recent advances in virilizing and feminizing syndromes and hirsutism

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23 Scopus citations


Evidence is accruing which indicates that alteration in the normal androgen estrogen ratio is important in the understanding of virilizing and feminizing syndromes, that abnormalities in these ratios can adversely affect the testis and the ovary and can induce gynecomastia. An overall view from this perspective enables one to view the sexual disorders of the gonads and the testis in a more rational and understanding light. Although abnormalities were demonstrable in the adrenal and gonadal secretion of androgen and estrogen, work still remains to be done on how significantly alterations in these ratios may result from the conversions known to occur in the peripheral blood, or secondary to abnormalities in the metabolic clearances, or in the sex hormone binding globulin.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)636-654
Number of pages19
JournalMount Sinai Journal of Medicine
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1974
Externally publishedYes


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