Short Report: 10-year follow-up of a boy with ARID1B-related disorder. Early intervention, longitudinal dimensional phenotype, brain imaging and outcome

Jorge Mourao, Aurélie Fabre, Ingrid Zamouri, Astrid de Foucaud, Morgane Baud, Julie Brunelle, Arnold Munnich, Nathalie Boddaert, David Cohen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


ARID1B-related disorders constitute a clinical continuum, from classic Coffin-Siris syndrome to intellectual disability (ID) with or without nonspecific dysmorphic features. Here, we describe an 11-year-old boy with an ARID1B mutation whose phenotype changed from severe developmental delay and ID to a complex neurodevelopmental disorder with multidimensional impairments, including normal intelligence despite heterogeneous IQ scores, severe motor coordination disorder, oral language disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Phenotypic changes occurred after early intensive remediation and paralleled the normalization of myelination impairments, as evidenced by early brain imaging. What this paper adds?: This report describes a 10-year multidisciplinary follow-up of a child with an ARID1B mutation who received early intensive remediation and whose phenotype changed during development. Clinical improvement paralleled the normalization of myelination impairments. This case supports a dimensional approach for complex neurodevelopmental disorders.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104769
JournalResearch in Developmental Disabilities
StatePublished - Aug 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • 6q25 deletion/translocation
  • ARID1B
  • Intellectual disability
  • Neurodevelopmental disorder


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