Selected bibliography of recent articles in ethics and geriatrics.

C. K. Cassel, D. E. Meier, M. L. Traines

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4 Scopus citations


The disciplines of bioethics and geriatrics have had parallel development in recent years. From small and relatively esoteric fields 15 or 20 years ago, both have grown enormously. Although the numbers of geriatricians and ethicists in practice or in academic centers have increased substantially, these disciplines represent areas in which better understanding is sorely needed. This bibliography is intended to assist the clinician in locating salient literature concerning bioethical issues in geriatric medicine and research. It is highly selective; it does not attempt to cover all the literature on bioethics. There are several excellent general bioethics bibliographies for clinicians in the recent literature, as well (not limited to clinical journals or clinical topics), some of which are included in section 13 for the reader's further information. The ethical issues that arise in geriatric medicine are similar to those that arise in the care of younger patients, but certain kinds of problems happen with far greater frequency. Dilemmas concerning decisions about care at the end of life are particularly relevant in geriatrics, as persons of extreme old age are often presented with choices about life-sustaining therapy when critical illness occurs. This includes decisions about cardiopulmonary resuscitation and nutritional support. When these clinical decisions arise in the care of patients who cannot decide for themselves, the question arises as to what role the assessment of "quality of life" ought to play in decisions to pursue or to forego life-sustaining therapy. Informed consent to treatment and to participation in research has been an important area of ethical investigation. Dilemmas about consent to treatment are complicated in some elderly populations because of the higher incidence of cognitive impairment and the higher incidence of the clinician's suspicion (or assumption) of cognitive impairment. In consent to research, there are additional issues of voluntariness and equitable selection, especially when subjects are residents of nursing homes. Because of the increasing numbers of elderly persons in our society, and because of the role of social resources (federal, state, and local) in acute and long-term medical major concern in gerontologic bioethics. The topic headings for this bibliography reflect these common issues which arise in the care of the elderly.+2

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)399-409
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of the American Geriatrics Society
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 1986


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