RTL1/PEG11 imprinted in human and mouse brain mediates anxiety-like and social behaviors and regulates neuronal excitability in the locus coeruleus

Ming Yi Chou, Meng Chuen Hu, Pin Yu Chen, Chi Lin Hsu, Ting Yu Lin, Mao Jia Tan, Chih Yu Lee, Meng Fai Kuo, Pei Hsin Huang, Vin Cent Wu, Shih Hung Yang, Pi Chuan Fan, Hsin Yi Huang, Schahram Akbarian, Tsui Han Loo, Colin L. Stewart, Hsiang Po Huang, Susan Shur Fen Gau, Hsien Sung Huang

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13 Scopus citations


RTL1/PEG11, which has been associated with anxiety disorders, is a retrotransposon-derived imprinted gene in the placenta. However, imprinting patterns and functions of RTL1 in the brain have not been well-investigated. We found Rtl1 was paternally, but not maternally, expressed in brain stem, thalamus, and hypothalamus of mice, and imprinting status of RTL1 was maintained in human brain. Paternal Rtl1 knockout (Rtl1m+/p-) mice had higher neonatal death rates due to impaired suckling, and low body weights beginning on embryonic day 16.5. High paternal expression of Rtl1 was detected in the locus coeruleus (LC) and Rtl1m+/p- mice showed an increased delay in time of onset for action potentials and inward currents with decreased neuronal excitability of LC neurons. Importantly, Rtl1m+/p- mice exhibited behaviors associated with anxiety, depression, fear-related learning and memory, social dominance, and low locomotor activity. Taken together, our findings demonstrate RTL1 is imprinted in brain, mediates emotional and social behaviors, and regulates excitability in LC neurons.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3161-3180
Number of pages20
JournalHuman Molecular Genetics
Issue number18
StatePublished - 15 Sep 2022


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