Routine training is not enough: Structured training in family planning and abortion improves residents' competency scores and intentions to provide abortion after graduation more than ad hoc training

Laura MacIsaac, Zevidah Vickery

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Background: Abortion provision remains threatened by the paucity of physicians trained to provide them. Lack of training during residency has been cited by obstetrician and gynecologist (ob-gyn) physicians as a reason for not including abortion in their practice. Study Design: We administered surveys on interest, competency and intention to provide abortions to two groups of ob-gyn residents: one experiencing a new comprehensive and structured family planning rotation, and another group at our affiliate hospital's residency program receiving "ad hoc" training during their routine gynecology rotations. Surveys were anonymous and blinded to investigator. Results: The structured family planning rotation group compared to the ad hoc group reported significantly increased competency score using a Likert scale in manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) (4.5 vs. 1; p=.003) and had a higher proportion reporting intent to provide office MVA postresidency (100% vs. 39%; p=.01) and being trained to 22.5 weeks' vs. 12 weeks' gestation (p=.005). In bivariate analysis, competency in MVA was associated with higher intentions to provide MVA after residency (p=.007). Conclusions: A structured rotation in family planning and abortion for obstetrics/gynecology residents results in increases in competency and intentions to provide abortion, and an association between the two. In-hospital structured training proved to be superior to ad hoc training in our affiliate institution in improving competency and intention to provide abortion after residency.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)294-298
Number of pages5
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2012
Externally publishedYes


  • Abortion
  • Abortion training
  • Family planning
  • Residency training


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