Role of the chromobox protein CBX7 in lymphomagenesis

Clare L. Scott, Jésus Gil, Eva Hernando, Julie Teruya-Feldstein, Masako Narita, Dolores Martínez, Tapio Visakorpi, David Mu, Carlos Cordon-Cardo, Gordon Peters, David Beach, Scott W. Lowe

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

142 Scopus citations


Chromobox 7 (CBX7) is a chromobox family protein and a component of the Polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1) that extends the lifespan of cultured epithelial cells and can act independently of BMI-1 to repress the INK4a/ARF tumor suppressor locus. To determine whether CBX7 might be oncogenic, we examined its expression pattern in a range of normal human tissues and tumor samples. CBX7 was expressed at high levels in germinal center lymphocytes and germinal center-derived follicular lymphomas, where elevated expression correlated with high c-Myc expression and a more advanced tumor grade. By targeting Cbx7 expression to the lymphoid compartment in mice, we showed that Cbx7 can initiate T cell lymphomagenesis and cooperate with c-Myc to produce highly aggressive B cell lymphomas. Furthermore, Cbx7 repressed transcription from the Ink4a/Arf locus and acted epistatically to the Arf-p53 pathway during tumorigenesis. These data identify CBX7 as a chromobox protein causally linked to cancer development and may help explain the low frequency of INK4a/ ARF mutations observed in human follicular lymphoma.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5389-5394
Number of pages6
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Issue number13
StatePublished - 27 Mar 2007
Externally publishedYes


  • Follicular lymphoma
  • Ink4a-ARF
  • Oncogene
  • Polycomb
  • p53


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