Review of non-invasive intracranial pressure measurement techniques for ophthalmology applications

David Andrew Price, Andrzej Grzybowski, Jennifer Eikenberry, Ingrida Januleviciene, Alice Chandra Verticchio Vercellin, Sunu Mathew, Brent Siesky, Alon Harris

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

23 Scopus citations


Assessment and monitoring of intracranial pressure (ICP) are important in the management of traumatic brain injury and other cerebral pathologies. In the eye, ICP elevation and depression both correlate with optic neuropathies, the former because of papilledema and the latter related to glaucoma. While the relationship between ICP elevation and papilledema is well established, the relationship between low ICP and glaucoma is still poorly understood. So far, ICP monitoring is performed invasively, but this entails risks including infection, spurring the study of non-invasive alternatives. We review 11 methods of non-invasive estimation of ICP including correlation to optic nerve sheath diameter, intraocular pressure, ophthalmodynamometry and two-depth transcranial Doppler of the ophthalmic artery. While none of these methods can fully replace invasive techniques, certain measures show great potential for specific applications. Although only used in small studies to date, a MRI based method known as MR-ICP, appears to be the best non-invasive technique for estimating ICP, with two-depth transcranial ultrasound and ophthalmodynamometry showing potential as well.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)887-892
Number of pages6
JournalBritish Journal of Ophthalmology
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1 Jul 2020


  • glaucoma
  • imaging
  • intraocular pressure
  • optic nerve


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