Retrieval of Inferior Vena Cava Filters Temporarily Placed in a Suprarenal Position: A Review of 13 Patients

Jacob E. Mandel, Jason A. Fisher, Mario A. Cedillo, Pratik A. Shukla, Vivian Bishay, Mona Ranade, Rahul S. Patel, Edward Kim, Scott F. Nowakowski, Robert A. Lookstein, Aaron M. Fischman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Purpose: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of retrieval of inferior vena cava filters (IVCF) temporarily placed in a suprarenal position. Methods: Retrieval of IVCF placed in a suprarenal position was performed in 13 patients (5 men and 8 women; mean age: 45.1 ± 13.8 years) between July 2006 and May 2018 using either a loop snare technique or endobronchial forceps. Electronic medical records were reviewed for patient demographics and procedural information. Results: Inferior vena cava filters retrieved included Option Elite (n = 9, 69%) and Günther Tulip (n = 4, 31%). Caval thrombosis was not detected in any patients on pre- or postretrieval cavogram. Eleven suprarenal IVCF (84%) were retrieved during the first retrieval attempt after a median indwelling time of 1.8 months (range, 0.03-12.10 months). Retrieval was initially unsuccessful in 2 (16%) patients with Option Elite filters, but both were successfully removed on second attempt using endobronchial forceps. Thirteen suprarenal IVCF (100%) were ultimately retrieved. Conclusion: Endovascular retrieval of IVCF temporarily placed in a suprarenal position is safe and efficacious.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)446-451
Number of pages6
JournalVascular and Endovascular Surgery
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Aug 2019


  • IVCF
  • IVCF retrieval
  • suprarenal IVCF
  • venous interventions


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