Repairing Alliance Ruptures in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy With Young People: The Development of a Rational–Empirical Model to Support Youth Therapists

Antonella Cirasola, Nick Midgley, J. Christopher Muran, Catherine F. Eubanks, Elaine Budreck Hunter, Peter Fonagy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Alliance ruptures in youth psychotherapy can have a significant impact on treatment outcomes. However, there is currently limited guidance on how to effectively repair these ruptures with young people. This study aims to address this gap specifically in the context of psychodynamic psychotherapywith adolescents. The objectives of the study are (a) to understand the therapeutic interventions and attitudes that either facilitate or hinder the resolution of alliance ruptures and (b) to develop a model for repairing these ruptures within this particular treatment approach. To accomplish this, a task analysis of a previously developed rational model of resolving alliance ruptures was conducted using 16 sessions from short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy with depressed adolescents. The analysis supported some stages of the hypothesized rational model while revealing the need for revisions. As a result, the study developed a rational–empirical model that includes flexible strategies that therapists can use to repair alliance ruptures. This model emphasizes the significance of a collaborative, open, and empathetic approach to resolving ruptures. In contrast, rigid, defensive, or invalidating therapist attitudes can hinder the resolution process. The evidence-based model developed from the study can provide valuable guidance to psychodynamic psychotherapists workingwith young people, offering insights on how to approach ruptures and employ effective strategies to promote their resolution.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)68-81
Number of pages14
Issue number1
StatePublished - 13 Nov 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • alliance ruptures
  • rational–empirical model
  • rupture repair
  • task analysis
  • youth psychotherapy


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