Regulation-focused psychotherapy for children in general psychiatric education: An account from the perspective of men's mental health

Timothy R. Rice, Raj Loungani, Emma Gaines, Tracy Prout, Leon Hoffman

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

1 Scopus citations


As detailed in the preceding chapter, male toddlers, preschool- and school-aged boys, male adolescents, and young male adults often present with externalizing behaviors. On many occasions, these children are treated with antipsychotics to manage their aggression and externalizing behaviors. This may not be an optimal means by which to help these children. Discomfort with this practice model may be a key reason for which recruitment to child and adolescent psychiatry training is historically problematic, creating a significant deficit in providers relative to need and ultimately leaving child and adolescents without sufficient access to care. Without trained providers practices are suboptimal and there is no base for which providers can be trained in practices specific to men's mental health in child and adolescent populations. In this chapter we demonstrate the capability of a structured educational intervention in child and adolescent psychiatry to promote factors in an adult psychiatry resident that are related to pursuing further training in child and adolescent psychiatry. These factors were drawn from the validated measures of the Counselor Self-Efficacy Scale (CSES), The Valuable Elements in Psychotherapy Questionnaire (VEP-Q), and a scale designed to quantify perspectives of prognosis coupled with a vignette of a male child with a disruptive behavior disorder. The intervention, self-directed reading in the practice manual Regulation Focused Psychotherapy for Children, is shown through pre- and post-measures to increase these factors. A subjective narrative provided by the adult resident offers a qualitative assessment of change after the intervention. Implications for adult psychiatry residency education and training in both child and adolescent psychiatry as well as psychodynamic psychiatry and psychoanalysis are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNeurobiology of Men's Mental Health
PublisherNova Science Publishers, Inc.
Number of pages12
ISBN (Electronic)9781634832175
ISBN (Print)9781634831918
StatePublished - 1 Jul 2015


  • Child and adolescent psychiatry
  • Men's mental health
  • Regulation focused psychotherapy for children
  • Residency education


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