title = "Regional Distribution of Neurofibrillary Tangles and Senile Plaques in the Cerebral Cortex of Very Old Patients",
author = "Panteleimon Giannakopoulos and Hof, {Patrick R.} and Giannakopoulos, {Anne S{\'e}verine} and Herrmann, {Fran{\c c}ois R.} and Michel, {Jean Pierre} and Constantin Bouras",
note = "Funding Information: AcceptedforpublicationJune 23, 1995. study supported by grant from theNationalInstitutesofHealth, Bethesda,Md,bytheBrook- daleFoundation,NewYork,NY,andbygrant3800- 039767fromtheFondsNationalSuissedelaRecherche Scientifique, Bern, Switzerland. WethankNicolaos.Robakis,PhD,andAndr{\'e} Delacourte, PhD, for generously providing antibodies to tauand {\ss}A4 amyloidproteins, PhilippeG. Vallet, PhD, forhelpfuldiscussion,andMariaSuriniandPierreY.Vallon forskillfultechnicalassistance. WealsothankJacquesRi¬ chard,MD,forprovidingsomeofthestudycases. Reprint requests to the Division ofNeuropsychiatry, UniversityInstitutionsofPsychiatryGeneva(IUPG),2che¬ minduPetitBel-Air,CH-1225Ch{\^e}ne-Bourg,Geneva,Swit¬ zerland(DrBouras).",
year = "1995",
month = dec,
doi = "10.1001/archneur.1995.00540360028012",
language = "English",
volume = "52",
pages = "1150--1159",
journal = "Archives of Neurology",
issn = "0003-9942",
publisher = "American Medical Association",
number = "12",