Quantitative ABCD parameters measured by a multispectral digital skin lesion analysis device for evaluation of suspicious pigmented skin lesions strongly correlate with clinical ABCD observations

Alex M. Glazer, Aaron S. Farberg, Richard R. Winkelmann, Natalie Tucker, Darrell S. Rigel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Background/Study Aim: A multispectral digital skin lesion analysis (MSDSLA) device has proven to be sensitive and specific for malignant melanoma (MM) detection by dermatologists and may have other useful applications. This study aimed to develop and test objective quantitative Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color, and Diameter (qABCD) parameters for MSDSLA and correlate them with the presence of clinical ABCD features to aid the decision to biopsy a suspicious pigmented skin lesions (PSLs). Methods: 1632 benign and malignant [175 MM/High Grade Dysplastic Nevi (HGDN)] were evaluated for their qABCD parameters. Quantitative characteristics were correlated with the presence of clinical ABCD features identified by independent dermatologists. Results: qA, qB, qC, and qD had correlations of 78%, 73%, 76%, and 86%, respectively, for non-MM/HGDN lesions. The correlations for qA, qB, qC, and qD for MM/HGDN lesions was 86.3%, 83%, 89%, and 89%, respectively. All repeatability parameters were statistically significant. Conclusions: This study demonstrates qABCD values are repeatable and strongly correlate with the clinical ABCD features. qABCD characteristics provide an additional objective and reliable means of identifying PSLs that need further evaluation to rule out MM and, in combination with the clinical ABCDs, may allow for improved assessment when evaluating the malignant potential of PSLs.

Original languageEnglish
JournalDermatology Online Journal
Issue number8
StatePublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • ABCD
  • Melanoma
  • Multispectral digital skin lesion analysis
  • Pigmented skin lesion


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