QRS voltage changes in heart failure: A 3-compartment mechanistic model and its implications

John E. Madias

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Scopus citations


A 3-compartment mechanistic model is proposed to explain the attenuation of the electrocardiographic QRS complexes (↓QRSV) observed in patients with heart failure (HF). This includes the effects of increased intracardiac blood volume and decreased hematocrit due to blood dilution (1st compartment), the heart's alteration in electrogenesis due to possible ischemia or inflammation, leading to myocardial edema, (2nd compartment), and the passive volume conductor of the tissue and organ constituents of the thorax and the entire body, with their resistivity changes due to increased fluid content (pulmonary and peripheral edema) (3rd compartment). The clinical implications of the model are outlined.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)464-473
Number of pages10
JournalIndian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • Electrocardiogram
  • Heart failure
  • Mechanistic heart models
  • Peripheral edema
  • QRS amplitude attenuation


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