Progressive myelinated retinal nerve fibers in a 10-year-old boy with Crouzon syndrome after craniofacial surgery

Norman A. Saffra, Trisha S. Emborgo, Milan P. Ranka, David S. Kirsch

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose: We present a case of a 10-year-old boy with Crouzon syndrome that demonstrates progressive myelinated retinal nerve fibers (MRNF). Observations: A 10-year-old boy was referred for ophthalmic examination due to clusters of opaque white fibers around his optic nerve. Past surgical history includes craniofacial surgery at 3 years of age secondary to the deteriorating vision from increased intracranial pressure and papilledema. Upon examination (now 6.5 years post-craniofacial surgery), the patient denied any ocular complaints. The fundus examination showed progressively enlarged myelination of the retinal nerve fiber layer (right eye > left eye). Although previous cases of MRNF with Crouzon syndrome have been reported, our case is unique given its post-operative status with early onset of MRNF. Conclusion and importance: This case report documents the photographic progression of bilateral myelinated retinal nerve fibers (MRNF) in a pediatric case of Crouzon syndrome post-craniofacial surgery secondary to increased intracranial pressure and papilledema. Based on our patient, craniofacial decompression surgery may not prevent the development of MRNF. The exact mechanisms of MRNF are still being studied. Further investigations correlating craniofacial surgeries, increased intracranial pressure, and progression of myelinated retinal nerve fibers are needed to understand this process.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101904
JournalAmerican Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports
StatePublished - Dec 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Craniofacial surgery
  • Crouzon syndrome
  • Increased intracranial pressure
  • MRNF
  • Myelinated retinal nerve fiber


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