Prognostic factors for patients with clinical stage I melanoma of intermediate thickness (1.51-3.99 mm). A conceptual model for tumor growth and metastasis

C. L. Day, M. C. Mihm, R. A. Lew, M. N. Harris, A. W. Kopf, T. B. Fitzpatrick, T. J. Harrist, F. M. Golomb, A. Postel, P. Hennessey, S. L. Gumport, J. W. Raker, R. A. Malt, A. B. Cosimi, W. C. Wood, D. F. Roses, F. Gorstein, D. Rigel, R. J. Friedman, M. M. MintzisA. J. Sober

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155 Scopus citations


Fourteen variables were tested for their ability to predict visceral or bony metastases in 177 patients with clinical Stage I melanoma of intermediate thickness (1.51-3.99 mm). A Cox multivariate analysis yielded a combination of four variables that best predicted bony or visceral metastases for these patients : 1) mitoses > 6/mm2 (p = 0.0007), 2) location other than the forearm or leg (p = 0.009), 3) ulceration width > 3 mm (p = 0.04), and 4) microscopic satellites (p = 0.05). The overall prognostic model chi square was 32.40 with 4° of freedom (p < 10-5). Combinations of the above variables were used to separate these patients into at least two risk groups. The high risk patients had at least a 35% or greater chance of developing visceral metastases within five years, while the low risk group had greater than an 85% chance of being disease free at five years. Criteria for the high risk group were as follows: 1) mitoses > 6/mm2 in at least one area of the tumor, irrespective of primary tumor location, or 2) a melanoma located at some site other than the forearm or leg and histologic evidence in the primary tumor of either ulceration > 3 mm wide or microscopic satellites. The low risk group was defined as follows: 1) mitoses ≤ 6/mm2 and a location on the leg or forearm, or 2) mitoses ≤ 6/mm2 and the absence in histologic sections of the primary tumor of both microscopic satellites and ulceration > 3 mm wide. The number of patients in this series who did not undergo elective regional node dissection (N = 47) was probably too small to detect any benefit from this procedure. Based on survival rates from this and other studies, it is estimated that approximately 1500 patients with clinical Stage I melanoma of intermediate thickness in each arm of a randomized clinical trial would be needed to detect an increase in survival rates from elective regional node dissection.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)35-43
Number of pages9
JournalUnknown Journal
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1982


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