Prognostic factors: Cisplatin regimens for patients with ovarian cancer after failure of chemotherapy

Howard W. Bruckner, Carmel J. Cohen, Eric Feuer, Robert C. Wallach, Bernard Kabakow, James F. Holland

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9 Scopus citations


For 129 ovarian cancer patients failing prior chemotherapy, overall clinical response rates were: 21% with cisplatin, 36% with cisplatin plus doxorubicin, 52% with cyclophosphamide added to the two drugs, and 44% with hexamethylmelamine added to the three drugs. Median survival was six or seven months in each trial. Twenty-five percent of the patients survived nine months with cisplatin and 14 to 16 months with each of the three combinations. Characteristics associated with best rate of response included: Performance status 1 (completely ambulatory), age greater than or equal to 50, residual tumor less than or equal to 5 cm, and two or less prior cytotoxic drugs. In multivariate analyses, performance status dominated, although age and possibly treatment (cisplatin versus others) were significant. With performance status removed from the model, all of the remaining factors became significant. Factors associated with best survival included: performance status 1, tumor size less than or equal to 5 cm, and complete or partial response. In a multivariate analysis for survival, performance status entered the model. In a series of analyses with performance status removed, tumor size or response entered the model. These findings provide reasons to study both treatment with cisplatin before disease progression reduces the number of favorable characteristics and systematic second attempts at debulking surgery.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)114-120
Number of pages7
JournalObstetrics and Gynecology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1987
Externally publishedYes


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