Progesterone does not prevent preterm births in women with twins

John C. Morrison, Christian M. Briery, Edward W. Veillon, Chad K. Klauser, Rick W. Martin, Suneet P. Chauhan, Everett F. Magann

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

48 Scopus citations


Objective: To compare preterm birth rate and neonatal outcome in twin gestations randomized to either 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate (17P) or placebo. Materials and Methods: Women with twin gestations between 20-30 weeks were randomized to receive weekly injections of either 250mg 17P injection (Group I), or placebo (Group II). Maternal and neonatal outcome data was recorded. Results: Thirty twin intrauterine pregnancies were randomized; 16 received 17P and 14 received placebo. Demographic data as well as past history and gestational age at randomization were equivalent between groups (P = 0.286-0.847). All patients in both groups were Medicaid recipients. The incidence of preterm labor (P = 0.980), and premature rupture of the membranes (P = 0.525) were the same between groups. Gestational age at delivery was also similar between 17P (33.9 weeks) versus placebo (33.1 weeks, P = 0.190) as was the incidence of preterm birth <35 weeks (44% vs 79%, P = 0.117). Infant weight (P = 0.641), Apgar score at 5 minutes (P = 0.338) as well as neonatal morbidity such as respiratory distress syndrome (P = 0.838), patent ductus arteriosus (P = 0.704), intraventricular hemorrhage (P = 0.851) and necrotizing enterocolitis (P = 0.946) showed no difference. Days spent in the NICU among 17P (18.4) versus placebo (17.3, P = 0.155), neonatal death (P = 0.359) and those infants discharged with neurologic handicap (P = 0.594) were not different between groups. Conclusion: Amongst this group of twin gestations weekly 17HP injections did not reduce the incidence of preterm birth or the complications associated with prematurity.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)900-904
Number of pages5
JournalSouthern Medical Journal
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2009


  • Preterm birth
  • Progesterone
  • Twins


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