Profiling Immunological Phenotypes in Individuals During the First Year After Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Longitudinal Analysis

Debra Morrison, Camille Pinpin, Annette Lee, Cristina Sison, Ashley Chory, Peter K. Gregersen, Gail Forrest, Steven Kirshblum, Susan J. Harkema, Maxwell Boakye, James S. Harrop, Thomas N. Bryce, Jan M. Schwab, Brian K. Kwon, Adam B. Stein, Matthew A. Bank, Ona Bloom

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Individuals with SCI are severely affected by immune system changes, resulting in increased risk of infections and persistent systemic inflammation. While recent data support that immunological changes after SCI differ in the acute and chronic phases of living with SCI, only limited immunological phenotyping in humans is available. To characterize dynamic molecular and cellular immune phenotypes over the first year, we assess RNA (bulk-RNA sequencing), protein, and flow cytometry (FACS) profiles of blood samples from 12 individuals with SCI at 0-3 days and at 3, 6, and 12 months post injury (MPI) compared to 23 uninjured individuals (controls). We identified 967 differentially expressed (DE) genes in individuals with SCI (FDR <0.001) compared to controls. Within the first 6 MPI we detected a reduced expression of NK cell genes, consistent with reduced frequencies of CD56bright, CD56dim NK cells present at 12 MPI. Over 6MPI, we observed increased and prolonged expression of genes associated with inflammation (e.g. HMGB1, Toll-like receptor signaling) and expanded frequencies of monocytes acutely. Canonical T-cell related DE genes (e.g. FOXP3, TCF7, CD4) were upregulated during the first 6 MPI and increased frequencies of activated T cells at 3-12 MPI. Neurological injury severity was reflected in distinct whole blood gene expression profiles at any time after SCI, verifying a persistent ‘neurogenic’ imprint. Overall, 2876 DE genes emerge when comparing motor complete to motor incomplete SCI (ANOVA, FDR <0.05), including those related to neutrophils, inflammation, and infection. In summary, we identify a dynamic immunological phenotype in humans, including molecular and cellular changes which may provide potential targets to reduce inflammation, improve immunity, or serve as candidate biomarkers of injury severity.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2621-2637
Number of pages17
JournalJournal of Neurotrauma
Issue number23-24
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • RNA sequencing
  • functional genomics
  • human studies
  • inflammation
  • spinal cord injury


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