Photoemission intensity oscillations in the valence bands of C70 film

Yan Jun Li, Peng Wang, Jing Fu Ni, Liang Meng, Xiao Bo Wang, Chun Qi Sheng, Hong Nian Li, Wen Hua Zhang, Yang Xu, Fa Qiang Xu, Jun Fa Zhu

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4 Scopus citations


We have measured and analyzed the photoemission spectra (PES) of a C 70 film in the photon energy region from 13.4 eV to 98.4 eV. The photoelectron intensities of two C 2p π-derived features (denoted by A and B) oscillate regularly in the whole energy region with some fine structures below ∼30 eV. To obtain the detailed information of the oscillations, we have developed a sophisticated but practical procedure for intensity calculation. The procedure consists of two core concepts. The first is ascribing the PES features to their corresponding molecular orbitals with the help of density functional calculations. The second is a background subtraction algorithm. With this procedure, we obtained the oscillating behavior for individual features (A and B), which is by and large consistent with the predictions based on the spherical symmetric approximation although C70 has the ellipsoidal shape. Owing to the solid state effect, the oscillating amplitudes of the A/B intensity ratios are smaller than those of gas phase C70, but an orbital shift reported recently was not observed on our sample. The oscillating curve of a deeper feature, which consists of both σ and π states, are also reported.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)414-419
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • C
  • Photoionization cross-section oscillation


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