Pharmacologic antagonism of propranolol in dogs. III. Effects of dopamine-isoproterenol and glucagon on hemodynamics and myocardial oxygen consumption in ischemic hearts during chronic propranolol administration

J. Wei, H. M. Spotnitz, W. D. Spotnitz, A. I. Benvenisty, G. B. Haasler, J. R. Malm, B. F. Hoffman

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2 Scopus citations


In 31 dogs chronically beta blocked with oral propranolol (12 to 14 mg/kg/day), glucagon (20 μg/kg) and combined dopamine (10 μg/kg/min) and isoproterenol (0.2 μg/kg/min) were given intravenously and tested for hemodynamic efficacy. Dogs were divided into four groups. Basal hemodynamics were obtained in Group I (n = 8) without cardiopulmonary bypass. In Group II (n = 8), hemodynamics were studied after 15 minutes of global ischemia during cardiopulmonary bypass. In Group III (n = 8), hemodynamics were studied after regional ischemia produced by ligation of the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery. In Group IV (n = 7), myocardial oxygen consumption and left ventricular mechanics were studied before and after 1 hour of cardiopulmonary bypass. Our results indicate the following: (1) Dopamine-isoproterenol improves hemodynamics in basal, post-global ischemic, and post-regional ischemic states. Glucagon improves hemodynamics either insignificantly or to a lesser extent than dopamine-isoproterenol. Furthermore, glucagon produces a larger increase in heart rate, which is not desirable. (2) Both dopamine-isoproterenol and glucagon increase myocardial oxygen consumption in comparison with control.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)732-742
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1984


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