Partial gonadal dysgenesis in a patient with a marker Y chromosome

P. Y. Fechner, K. D. Smith, E. W. Jabs, C. J. Migeon, G. D. Berkovitz

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19 Scopus citations


We evaluated a patient with partial gonadal dysgenesis including a right dysgenetic testis and a left streak gonad with rudimentary fallopian tube and uterus. She had ambiguous external genitalia and was raised female. Although her height is normal (25th centile at age 12 years), she has some findings of Ullrich-Turner syndrome. Her karyotype was reported to be 46,X,+ marker; subsequent molecular investigations showed the marker to be the short arm of the Y chromosome. Genomic DNA, isolated from leukocytes of the patient and her father, was digested with a variety of restriction endonucleases and subjected to Southern blot analysis. A positive hybridization signal was obtained with probes for the short arm of the Y chromosome (pRsY0.55, SRY, ZFY, 47Z, pY-190, and YC-2) in DNA from the patient, indicating the presence of most if not all of the short arm, while long arm probes (HinfA and pY3.4) indicated that at least 75% of the long arm of the Y chromosome was missing. The gene responsible for testicular determination (TDF) is on the distal portion of the short arm of the Y chromosome; Yq has no known influence on sex determination. Hence, the deletion of the long arm of the Y chromosome cannot explain the gonadal dysgenesis in this patient. One explanation for the gonadal dysgenesis and Ullrich-Turner phenotype in the patient could be undetected 45,X/46,X,+ marY mosaicism but no such mosaicism was observed in peripheral lymphocytes. Several investigators have suggested the presence of an 'anti-Turner' gene near TDF. Hence it is possible that the clinical phenotype in our patient results from a Y chromosomal defect in sequences flanking TDF, which reduces the function of both TDF and the 'anti-Turner' genes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)807-812
Number of pages6
JournalAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1992
Externally publishedYes


  • chromosomal deletion
  • gonadal dysgenesis
  • marker Y chromosome


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