Optimized design and data analysis of tag-based cytosine methylation assays

Masako Suzuki, Qiang Jing, Daniel Lia, Marién Pascual, Andrew McLellan, John M. Greally

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74 Scopus citations


Using the type III restriction-modification enzyme EcoP15I, we isolated sequences flanking sites digested by the methylation-sensitive HpaII enzyme or its methylation-insensitive MspI isoschizomer for massively parallel sequencing. A novel data transformation allows us to normalise HpaII by MspI counts, resulting in more accurate quantification of methylation at >1.8 million loci in the human genome. This HELP-tagging assay is not sensitive to sequence polymorphism or base composition and allows exploration of both CG-rich and depleted genomic contexts.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberr36
JournalGenome Biology
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2010
Externally publishedYes


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