Optical frequency combs generated by four-wave mixing in a dual wavelength Brillouin laser cavity

Qing Li, Zhi Xu Jia, Zhen Rui Li, Yue De Yang, Jin Long Xiao, Shao Wu Chen, Guan Shi Qin, Yong Zhen Huang, Wei Ping Qin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

33 Scopus citations


We propose and demonstrate the generation of optical frequency combs via four-wave mixing in a dual wavelength Brillouin laser cavity. When pumped by two continuous-wave lasers with a varied frequency separation, dual wavelength Brillouin lasers with reduced linewidth and improved optical signal to noise ratios are generated in a direction opposite to the pump laser. Simultaneously, cavity-enhanced cascaded four-wave mixing between dual wavelength Brillouin lasers occurs in the laser cavity, causing the generation of broadband optical frequency combs with step tunable mode spacing from 40 to 1300 GHz. Compared to the cavity-less case, the number of the comb lines generated in the dual wavelength Brillouin laser cavity is increased by ∼38 times.

Original languageEnglish
Article number075215
JournalAIP Advances
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1 Jul 2017
Externally publishedYes


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