Natural History of Perianal Fistulising Lesions in Patients with Elderly-onset Crohn's Disease: A Population-based Study

Marie Danielou, Hélène Sarter, Benjamin Pariente, Mathurin Fumery, Delphine Ley, Christel Mamona, Maël Barthoulot, Cloé Charpentier, Laurent Siproudhis, Guillaume Savoye, Corinne Gower-Rousseau, J. M. Andre, M. Antonietti, A. Aouakli, A. Armand, I. Aroichane, F. Assi, J. P. Aubet, E. Auxenfants, F. Ayafi-RamelotK. Azzouzi, D. Bankovski, B. Barbry, N. Bardoux, P. Baron, A. Baudet, B. Bazin, A. Bebahani, J. P. Becqwort, V. Benet, H. Benali, C. Benguigui, E. Ben Soussan, A. Bental, I. Berkelmans, J. Bernet, K. Bernou, C. Bernou-Dron, P. Bertot, N. Bertiaux-Vandaële, V. Bertrand, E. Billoud, N. Biron, B. Bismuth, M. Bleuet, F. Blondel, V. Blondin, P. Bohon, E. Boniface, P. Bonnière, E. Bonvarlet, P. Bonvarlet, A. Boruchowicz, R. Bostvironnois, M. Boualit, B. Bouche, C. Boudaillez, C. Bourgeaux, M. Bourgeois, A. Bourguet, A. Bourienne, J. Branche, G. Bray, F. Brazier, P. Breban, M. Bridenne, H. Brihier, V. Brung-Lefebvre, P. Bulois, P. Burgiere, J. Butel, J. Y. Canva, V. Canva-Delcambre, J. P. Capron, F. Cardot, P. Carpentier, E. Cartier, J. F. Cassar, M. Cassagnou, J. F. Castex, P. Catala, S. Cattan, S. Catteau, B. Caujolle, G. Cayron, C. Chandelier, M. Chantre, J. Charles, T. Charneau, M. Chavance-Thelu, D. Chirita, A. Choteau, J. F. Claerbout, P. Y. Clergue, H. Coevoet, G. Cohen, R. Collet, J. F. Colombel, S. Coopman, J. Corvisart, A. Cortot, F. Couttenier, J. F. Crinquette, V. Crombe, I. Dadamessi, V. Dapvril, T. Davion, S. Dautreme, J. Debas, N. Degrave, F. Dehont, C. Delatre, R. Delcenserie, O. Delette, T. Delgrange, L. Delhoustal, J. S. Delmotte, S. Demmane, G. Deregnaucourt, P. Descombes, J. P. Desechalliers, P. Desmet, P. Desreumaux, G. Desseaux, P. Desurmont, A. Devienne, E. Devouge, M. Devred, A. Devroux, A. Dewailly, S. Dharancy, A. Di Fiore, D. Djeddi, R. Djedir, M. L. Dreher-Duwat, R. Dubois, C. Dubuque, P. Ducatillon, J. Duclay, B. Ducrocq, F. Ducrot, P. Ducrotte, A. Dufilho, C. Duhamel, D. Dujardin, C. Dumant-Forest, J. L. Dupas, F. 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8 Scopus citations


Introduction: Most studies of elderly-onset Crohn's disease [CD; diagnosed in patients aged 60 or over] have described a mild course. However, data on the natural history of perianal fistulising CD [pfCD] in this population are scarce. In a population-based cohort study, we described the prevalence, natural history, and treatment of pfCD in patients with elderly-onset CD vs patients with paediatric-onset CD. Method: All patients diagnosed with CD at or after the age of 60 between 1988 and 2006, were included [n = 372]. Logistic regression, Cox models, and a nested case-control method were used to identify factors associated with pfCD. Results: A total of 34 elderly patients [9% of the 372] had pfCD at diagnosis. After a median follow-up of 6 years (interquartile range [IQR]: 3; 10), 59 patients [16%] had pfCD; the same prevalence [16%] was observed in paediatric-onset patients. At last follow-up, anal incontinence was more frequent in elderly patients with pfCD than in elderly patients without pfCD [22% vs 4%, respectively; p < 10-4]. Rectal CD at diagnosis was associated with pfCD: hazard ratio (95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.8 [1.6-5.0]). Although 37% of the patients received immunosuppressants and 17% received anti-tumour necrosis factor agents, 24% [14 out of 59] had a definitive stoma at last follow-up. Conclusion: During the first 6 years of disease, the prevalence of pfCD was similar in elderly and paediatric patients. Rectal involvement was associated with the appearance of pfCD in elderly-onset patients. Around a quarter of patients with elderly-onset CD will have a stoma. Our results suggest that treatment with biologics should be evaluated in these patients.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)501-507
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Crohn's and Colitis
Issue number4
StatePublished - 21 May 2020


  • Elderly-onset Crohn's disease
  • epidemiology
  • natural history
  • perianal disease
  • treatment


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