Motion perceptions induced by off-vertical axis rotation (OVAR) at small angles of tilt

P. Denise, C. Darlot, J. Droulez, B. Cohen, A. Berthoz

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40 Scopus citations


Off-vertical axis rotation in darkness induces a perception of body motion which lasts as long as rotation continues. Perceived body motion is the combination of two simultaneous displacements. The most easily perceived is a translation without rotation along a conical path, at the frequency of the actual rotation. Meanwhile, the subjects feel as if they were always facing towards the same direction. The summit of the cone is generally below the head, from the waist to below the feet, and subjects have a sense of progression in the direction opposite to actual spinning. Some subjects feel, on the contrary, the summit of the cone above their heads, and the progression in the direction of spinning. Subjects also perceived another body motion, although it was faint for some of them. It consists of a rotation at low velocity in the same direction as progression along the cone. The axis of the cone is perceived as slowly rotating along a larger cone. These motion perceptions increase with tilt angle and rotation velocity. They probably result from the analysis by the Central Nervous System of the acceleration acting on the otoliths. The perceived trajectory would be reconstructed from estimates of gravity, and kinematic variables such as head translational acceleration and velocity, and head rotational velocity. The same variables would account for OVAR-induced nystagmus. Motion sickness would result from the impossibility of reconstructing a consistent body movement from most sets of values of these variables.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)106-114
Number of pages9
JournalExperimental Brain Research
Issue number1
StatePublished - Oct 1988


  • Gravity
  • Labyrinth
  • Motion perception
  • Otoliths
  • Velocity storage mechanism


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