Mitral valve repair based on intraoperative objective measurement

Daniel Grinberg, Minh Quyen Le, Young Joon Kwon, Miguel A. Fernandez, David Audigier, Florent Ganet, Jean Fabien Capsal, Jean François Obadia, Pierre Jean Cottinet

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11 Scopus citations


In this paper, we propose a very innovative designed system that enables optimal length adjustment during transapical neochordae implantation for mitral valve repair, increasing accuracy and reproducibility of neochordae length adjustment. Also, such a new device allowed real-time measurement and recording of chordae tension, producing original physiological data. To the best of our knowledge, the tension of chordae had never been measured previously as precisely, especially in in vivo human clinical trials. Preliminary experimental data have been collected on 10 selected patients, giving us the opportunity to assess for the first time the tension applied on the chordae implanted in beating human hearts. The final goal of our measuring device is to provide reliable objective intraoperative data to improve the understanding of changes occurring after mitral valve repair (MVR). This novel measuring instrument may bring change in the paradigm of MVR by allowing repair with strong objective and quantitative, instead of qualitative anatomical analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4677
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2019


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