Midline cleft lip and bifid nose deformity: Description, classification, and treatment

Adam R. Kolker, Alexander M. Sailon, John G. Meara, Anthony D. Holmes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


Background: Midline facial clefts are rare and challenging deformities caused by failure of fusion of the medial nasal prominences. These anomalies vary in severity, and may include microform lines or midline lip notching, incomplete or complete labial clefting, nasal bifidity, or severe craniofacial bony and soft tissue anomalies with orbital hypertelorism and frontoethmoidal encephaloceles. In this study, the authors present 4 cases, classify the spectrum of midline cleft anomalies, and review our technical approaches to the surgical correction of midline cleft lip and bifid nasal deformities. Embryology and associated anomalies are discussed. Methods: The authors retrospectively reviewed our experience with 4 cases of midline cleft lip with and without nasal deformities of varied complexity. In addition, a comprehensive literature search was performed, identifying studies published relating to midline cleft lip and/or bifid nose deformities. Our assessment of the anomalies in our series, in conjunction with published reports, was used to establish a 5-tiered classification system. Technical approaches and clinical reports are described. Results: Functional and aesthetic anatomic correction was successfully achieved in each case without complication. A classification and treatment strategy for the treatment of midline cleft lip and bifid nose deformity is presented. Conclusions: The successful treatment of midline cleft lip and bifid nose deformities first requires the identification and classification of the wide variety of anomalies. With exposure of abnormal nasolabial anatomy, the excision of redundant skin and soft tissue, anatomic approximation of cartilaginous elements, orbicularis oris muscle repair, and craniofacial osteotomy and reduction as indicated, a single-stage correction of midline cleft lip and bifid nasal deformity can be safely and effectively achieved.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2304-2308
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Craniofacial Surgery
Issue number8
StatePublished - 2015


  • Bifid nose
  • Cleft nose
  • Median cleft lip
  • Midline cleft lip


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