Maté consumption and risk of oral cancer: Case-control study in Uruguay

Hugo Deneo-Pellegrini, Eduardo De Stefani, Paolo Boffetta, Alvaro L. Ronco, Gisele Acosta, Pelayo Correa, María Mendilaharsu

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17 Scopus citations


Background In the period 1990 to 2001, a case-control study on oral cancer and maté consumption was conducted at the Cancer Institute of Uruguay. Methods The study included 696 newly diagnosed cases with squamous cell carcinoma and 696 controls afflicted with nonneoplastic conditions not related to tobacco smoking and alcohol drinking. The participants were matched on age and residence and the study was restricted to men. Results In order to control confounding for tobacco and alcohol, we fitted 2 models. According to model 1, the odds ratio (OR) for maté consumption was 1.15 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.76-1.73), whereas the results for model 2 showed an OR of 3.47 (95% CI, 1.60-7.52). Conclusions The inclusion of a term for the interaction between maté and smoking (or drinking) was rewarding and the ORs were even higher than those observed with the crude estimates. Head Neck, 2013

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1091-1095
Number of pages5
JournalHead and Neck
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 2013


  • benzo[a]pyrene
  • confounding
  • interaction
  • maté consumption
  • oral cancer


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