Management of frontal sinusitis–associated subperiosteal abscess in children less than 9 years of age

Kenneth J. Taubenslag, James G. Chelnis, Louise A. Mawn

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Scopus citations


Purpose To investigate practice patterns for cases of subperiosteal abscess (SPA) with concomitant frontal sinusitis to identify factors favorable to medical management in children <9 years of age. Methods The medical records of all pediatric cases of orbital and periorbital cellulitis admitted at a tertiary care center from 1999-2014 were reviewed retrospectively. Cases were included if radiography demonstrated sinusitis-associated SPA in children <9 years of age. Cases of SPA with ipsilateral frontal sinusitis were compared to cases of SPA without ispilateral frontal sinus involvement. Results A total of 21 cases with ipsilateral frontal sinusitis and 76 without were included. Patients with frontal sinusitis had a higher incidence of nonmedial SPA compared to those without frontal sinus involvement (6/21 vs 5/76, P = 0.01). Yet a majority of SPAs in the frontal sinusitis group were located medially (15/21 [71%]). All patients with superior or superomedial SPA underwent early surgical intervention. However, 14 of 15 patients (93%) in the frontal sinusitis cohort with medial SPAs were managed successfully with medical therapy alone. Conclusions Medical management of frontal sinusitis–associated SPA appears safe for select children <9 years of age with medial abscess. Although frontal sinusitis is cited as a criterion for surgical drainage of SPA, this criterion should be refined to frontal sinusitis with superiorly located abscesses.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)527-531.e1
JournalJournal of AAPOS
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2016
Externally publishedYes


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