Management of acute decompensated valvular heart disease

Enzo Lüsebrink, Hugo Lanz, Antonia Kellnar, Nicole Karam, Samir Kapadia, Raj Makkar, William T. Abraham, Azeem Latib, Martin Leon, Anna Sannino, Mony Shuvy, Mayra Guerrero, Neil Fam, Javed Butler, Marianna Adamo, Volker Rudolph, Gilbert H.L. Tang, Thomas J. Stocker, Karl Philipp Rommel, Philipp LurzHolger Thiele, Steffen Massberg, Fabien Praz, Bernard Prendergast, Jörg Hausleiter

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Worldwide, valvular heart disease (VHD) is a common cause of hospitalization for acute heart failure. In acute heart failure caused by VHD, symptoms result from rapid haemodynamic changes and subsequent decline in cardiac function, and if left untreated, leads to acute decompensation and cardiogenic shock. Current evidence remains scarce and recommendations regarding the management of acute heart failure caused by VHD are lacking in most recent international guidelines. Herein, we review the management of acute heart failure caused by VHD with a focus on transcatheter therapies and describe currently available evidence based on a systematic literature search on the following valve pathologies: (i) aortic stenosis, (ii) aortic regurgitation, (iii) mitral regurgitation, and (iv) mitral stenosis. Articles reporting outcomes following urgent or emergent valve intervention in the setting of cardiogenic shock or acute heart failure were considered. After screening a total of 2234 articles, 76 published between 1994 and 2023 were included in subsequent analysis. Based on available evidence, proposed treatment algorithms to guide optimal management of acute heart failure caused by VHD were created. As the number of patients presenting with acute heart failure caused by VHD continues to rise and outcomes following transcatheter valve interventions continue to improve, it is inevitable that minimally invasive options will play an increasingly important role in the acute setting, especially given these patients are at an increased operative risk. This review aims to present an organized approach to the complex management and interventional treatment of patients with acute heart failure caused by VHD.

Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Journal of Heart Failure
StateAccepted/In press - 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • Acute decompensated heart failure
  • Valvular heart disease


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