Malignant meningioma of the jugular foramen

Ian M. Sambur, Fred Y. Lin, Joshua B. Bederson, Eric E. Smouha

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objectives:-To highlight the importance ofconsidering malignant meningiomasin the differential diagnosis ofjugular foramen lesions.-To review the incidence, biologicalbehavior, and treatment of thisdisease. Study Design:-Case report and literature review ofmalignant meningiomas. Methods:-A patient is presented with amalignant meningioma of the rightjugular foramen.-He was treated with gross totalresection of the tumor, pluspostoperative radiation therapy. Study Design:-Case report and literature review ofmalignant meningiomas. Results:-The patient has remained diseasefree for 2 years with excellentquality of life. Conclusions:-Malignant meningiomas arerelatively rare and behaveaggressively.-Gross total surgical excision and adjuvant radiotherapy offer the besthope for disease-free survival.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S50
Issue numberSUPPL. 1
StatePublished - 2009


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