Long-term prevention of hereditary angioedema attacks with lanadelumab: The HELP OLE Study

for the HELP OLE Investigators

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

42 Scopus citations


Background: The aim was to evaluate long-term effectiveness and safety of lanadelumab in patients ≥12 y old with hereditary angioedema (HAE) 1/2 (NCT02741596). Methods: Rollover patients completing the HELP Study and continuing into HELP OLE received one lanadelumab 300 mg dose until first attack (dose-and-wait period), then 300 mg q2wks (regular dosing stage). Nonrollovers (newly enrolled) received lanadelumab 300 mg q2wks from day 0. Baseline attack rate for rollovers: ≥1 attack/4 weeks (based on run-in period attack rate during HELP Study); for nonrollovers: historical attack rate ≥1 attack/12 weeks. The planned treatment period was 33 months. Results: 212 patients participated (109 rollovers, 103 nonrollovers); 81.6% completed ≥30 months on study (mean [SD], 29.6 [8.2] months). Lanadelumab markedly reduced mean HAE attack rate (reduction vs baseline: 87.4% overall). Patients were attack free for a mean of 97.7% of days during treatment; 81.8% and 68.9% of patients were attack free for ≥6 and ≥12 months, respectively. Angioedema Quality-of-Life total and domain scores improved from day 0 to end of study. Treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) (excluding HAE attacks) were reported by 97.2% of patients; most commonly injection site pain (47.2%) and viral upper respiratory tract infection (42.0%). Treatment-related TEAEs were reported by 54.7% of patients. Most injection site reactions resolved within 1 hour (70.2%) or 1 day (92.6%). Six (2.8%) patients discontinued due to TEAEs. No treatment-related serious TEAEs or deaths were reported. Eleven treatment-related TEAEs of special interest were reported by seven (3.3%) patients. Conclusion: Lanadelumab demonstrated sustained efficacy and acceptable tolerability with long-term use in HAE patients.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)979-990
Number of pages12
JournalAllergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2022


  • HAE
  • HAE attacks
  • hereditary angioedema
  • lanadelumab
  • long-term prophylaxis


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