Long-term efficacy and safety of ustekinumab for Crohn's disease through the second year of therapy

W. J. Sandborn, P. Rutgeerts, C. Gasink, D. Jacobstein, B. Zou, J. Johanns, B. E. Sands, S. B. Hanauer, S. Targan, S. Ghosh, W. J.S. de Villiers, J. F. Colombel, B. G. Feagan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

136 Scopus citations


Background: In Phase 3 studies of ustekinumab, a fully human monoclonal IL-12/23p40 antibody approved for moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease, patients entered a long-term extension after completing 8 weeks of induction and 44 weeks of maintenance treatment. Efficacy through 92 weeks and safety through 96 weeks of IM-UNITI maintenance are reported. Methods: UNITI-1 (TNF-antagonist failures) and UNITI-2 (conventional therapy failures) patients (N = 1281) entered IM-UNITI, including 397 ustekinumab intravenous induction responders randomised to subcutaneous ustekinumab 90 mg every 12 weeks, every 8 weeks, or placebo and 884 nonrandomised patients. Dose-adjustment to 90 mg every 8 weeks occurred in patients randomised to 90 mg every 12 weeks and placebo patients with loss of response (Weeks 8–32). All Week 44 completers could enter the long-term extension without further dose adjustment. Placebo patients discontinued following study unblinding. Results: A total of 718 patients (all treated) entered the long-term extension (298 randomised and 420 not randomised). Overall, 86.5% (621/718) completed Week 96. The proportions of randomised patients in clinical remission were generally maintained from Week 44 through 92 in ustekinumab 90 mg every 12 weeks (77.4% to 72.6%), every 8 weeks (84.1% to 74.4%), and prior dose adjustment groups (63.4% to 53.5%). At Week 92, the proportions of patients in clinical remission were similar in the ustekinumab 90 mg every 12 weeks and every 8 weeks groups and lower in patients with prior dose adjustment. Proportions of patients in clinical remission at Week 92 for all treated every 8 weeks (64.4%) and every 12 weeks (64.3%) groups were lower than randomised every 8 weeks (74.4%) and every 12 weeks (72.6%) groups, but similarly maintained. Safety events (per hundred patient-years) were similar among all placebo and ustekinumab patients (Week 0-96), including adverse events (484.39 vs 447.76), serious adverse events (19.24 vs 18.82), and serious infections (4.09 vs 4.02). No dose effect was observed. Conclusions: Subcutaneous ustekinumab maintained clinical response and remission through Week 92. No new safety signals were observed. ClinicalTrials.gov number NCT01369355.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)65-77
Number of pages13
JournalAlimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jul 2018


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