Limited Impact of Total Parenteral Nutrition on Nutritional Status during Treatment for Small Cell Lung Cancer

William K. Evans, Robert Makuch, Gerald H. Clamon, Ronald Feld, Roy S. Weiner, Edgar Moran, Ronald Blum, Frances A. Shepherd, Khursheed N. Jeejeebhoy, William D. De Wys

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

101 Scopus citations


During a randomized trial of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) in patients with small cell lung cancer, we evaluated the short- and long-term effects of 4 weeks of TPN on nutritional assessment parameters. All 119 patients who were accrued to the study received the same chemotherapy and radiotherapy protocol which extended over a 1-year period: 57 patients received TPN; and 62 served as controls. At base line, patients with >5% pretreatment weight loss had significantly lower levels of serum albumin, total iron-binding capacity, and creatinine/height index. TPN administration led to a significant increase in mean caloric intake and weight compared with controls (P < 0.0001). In the short-term study, body fat, as measured by triceps skinfold thickness, was maintained, and there was a small increase in arm muscle circumference. Serum albumin and hematocrit decreased but promptly returned to pretreatment levels when TPN was stopped. There were no long-term differences in any of the nutritional assessment parameters between the two groups.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3347-3353
Number of pages7
JournalCancer Research
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1 Jul 1985
Externally publishedYes


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