Insight in first-admission psychotic patients

Shmuel Fennig, Elyse Everett, Evelyn J. Bromet, Lina Jandorf, Silvana R. Fennig, Marsha Tanenberg-Karant, Thomas J. Craig

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

78 Scopus citations


Background: The prevalence of insight was examined longitudinally in psychotic patients with schizophrenia (n = 86), bipolar disorder (n = 52), major depressive disorder (n = 35) and other psychoses (n = 16). Method: Before discharge and at 6-month follow-up, insight in first-admission patients from 10 facilities in Suffolk County, New York was rated as part of a modified Hamilton Depression Scale. Results: Initially, 80% of depressives but approximately half with other diagnoses manifested insight. At follow-up, most patients demonstrated insight except for the schizophrenic patients. After controlling for diagnosis, significant correlates of baseline insight were being married, hospitalized in a community or academic facility, intelligence and negative symptoms. At follow-up, after controlling for diagnosis and baseline insight, prior treatment was predictive. This finding held for schizophrenic patients separately. Conclusion: Lack of insight is more prevalent in schizophrenia and improves over time. The components of prior treatment leading to better insight should be explored.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)257-263
Number of pages7
JournalSchizophrenia Research
Issue number3
StatePublished - 15 Dec 1996
Externally publishedYes


  • affective disorder
  • first-admission
  • insight
  • psychosis
  • schizophrenia


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