Identifying predictors of central nervous system disease in solid organ transplant recipientswith cryptococcosis

Ryosuke Osawa, Barbara D. Alexander, Olivier Lortholary, Françoise Dromer, Graeme N. Forrest, G. Marshall Lyon, Jyoti Somani, Krishan L. Gupta, Ramon Del Busto, Timothy L. Pruett, Costi D. Sifri, Ajit P. Limaye, George T. John, Goran B. Klintmalm, Kenneth Pursell, Valentina Stosor, Michele I. Morris, Lorraine A. Dowdy, Patricia Muñoz, Andre C. KalilJulia Garcia-Diaz, Susan Orloff, Andrew A. House, Sally Houston, Dannah Wray, Shirish Huprikar, Leonard B. Johnson, Atul Humar, Raymund R. Razonable, Robert A. Fisher, Shahid Husain, Marilyn M. Wagener, Nina Singh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

25 Scopus citations


BACKGROUND: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis is often deferred in patients with cryptococcal disease, particularly in the absence of neurologic manifestations. We sought to determine whether a subset of solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients with high likelihood of central nervous system (CNS) disease could be identified in whom CSF analysis must be performed. METHODS: Patients comprised a multicenter cohort of SOT recipients with cryptococcosis. RESULTS: Of 129 (88%) of 146 SOT recipients with cryptococcosis who underwent CSF analysis, 80 (62%) had CNS disease. In the overall study population, abnormal mental status, time to onset of cryptococcosis more than 24 months posttransplantation (late-onset disease), serum cryptococcal antigen titer more than 1:64, and fungemia were independently associated with an increased risk of CNS disease. Of patients with abnormal mental status, 95% had CNS cryptococcosis. When only patients with normal mental status were considered, three predictors (serum antigen titer >1:64, fungemia, and late-onset disease) independently identified patients with CNS cryptococcosis; the risk of CNS disease was 14% if none, 39% if one, and 94% if two of the aforementioned predictors existed (χ for trend P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: CSF analysis should be strongly considered in SOT recipients with cryptococcosis who have late-onset disease, fungemia, or serum cryptococcal antigen titer more than 1:64 even in the presence of normal mental status. copyright

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)69-74
Number of pages6
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • Central nervous system disease.
  • Cryptococcosis
  • Solid organ transplant


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