Hypospadias repair by laser tissue soldering: Intraoperative results and follow-up in 30 children

Andrew J. Kirsch, Glen M. De Vries, David T. Chang, Carl A. Olsson, John P. Connor, Terry W. Hensle

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28 Scopus citations


Objectives. We examined the use of laser tissue soldering (LTS) as an adjunct to suturing of, as well as a primary means of, tissue closure in urethral reconstruction. Methods. Since June 1994, 26 boys ranging in age from 3 months to 14 years (mean 3.0 years) underwent hypospadias repair using LTS techniques. The classification of hypospadias was subcoronal in 13, midpenile in 5, penoscrotal in 7, and scrotal in 1. Laser tissue soldering was used in an additional 4 patients: tunica vaginalis patch graft corporoplasty in 2 (scrotal hypospadias), epispadias fistulae in 1, and urethral diverticulum in 1. Of these cases, 3 hypospadias repairs were completely sutureless. An intraoperative comparison was made between suturing and LTS with respect to operative time and degree of difficulty in performing LTS. Postoperatively, patients were examined to determine complications, including stricture, fistula, or impaired wound healing. An unselected group of 25 consecutive boys undergoing hypospadias repair between 1991 and 1992 served as a historical control group. Results. No intraoperative complications resulted from laser activation. In 5 of the 30 procedures (16.6%), suture disruption was noted to occur, with a higher incidence seen with finer, dyed suture material. For hypospadias repair, the average time to suture was 6.7 min/cm (n = 23), whereas it was 3.1 min/cm for adjunctive LTS (n = 23) and 1.4 min/cm for sutureless urethroplasty (n = 3). Follow-up ranged from 3 to 22 months (average 9.6). Four fistulae were noted (1 onlay, 2 skin tube grafts, 1 Thiersch tube) each following penoscrotal or scrotal hypospadias repair; a fifth fistula developed following a traumatic catheterization in a sutureless repair. The overall complication rate in the LTS group was 19% (5 of 26) versus 24% (6 of 25) for controls, whereas that for the distal forms of hypospadias was 11% (2 of 18) and 13.6% (3 of 22), respectively. Conclusions. Tissue soldering with laser and chromophore-doped solder is feasible, safe, and easy to perform. Laser tissue soldering may be an alternative to standard microsuture technique for hypospadias repair.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)616-623
Number of pages8
Issue number4
StatePublished - Oct 1996


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