Hypoglycemic Events May Trigger Acute Ischemic Stroke Within 30 Days in Those With Diabetes: A Case-Crossover Study

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BACKGROUND: Stroke triggers are factors that may precipitate a stroke within a given time interval and can predict the timing of a stroke. While hypoglycemia has been established as a risk factor for cardiovascular events such as acute ischemic stroke (AIS), there is limited research demonstrating hypoglycemic events as stroke triggers. We hypothesize an association between hypoglycemic events and the occurrence of stroke among patients with diabetes. METHODS: We used Medicare inpatient, outpatient, emergency department, and subacute nursing facility data sets from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2019, and validated using International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification codes to identify conditions. We used a case-crossover study design, testing whether exposure to a hypoglycemia encounter within progressively longer case periods (up to 30 days before index AIS) was associated with the subsequent occurrence of AIS, compared with control periods of equal length exactly 1 year before the case period. We used conditional logistical regression models to estimate odds ratios and 95% CIs. RESULTS: There were 237 667 index admissions with AIS and diabetes during the study period. There were increased odds of AIS following an encounter with hypoglycemia. The risk was the highest immediately on the first day following the hypoglycemia encounter (odds ratio, 3.694 [95% CI, 2.694–5.065]; P<0.0001) and gradually became lower as the case-control period lengthened. At a 30-day case-control interval, the risk was lowest but still significant (odds ratio, 2.345 [95% CI, 2.179–2.523]; P<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: We found that hypoglycemic events in patients with diabetes are associated with a more than 3-fold greater risk of AIS in the first day but can trigger AIS in the 30 days following the event. More research is needed to assess the link between the severity of hypoglycemia and stroke occurrence, as well as the severity of the stroke. These results, if confirmed in other studies, emphasize the importance of avoiding hypoglycemic events in patients with diabetes.

Original languageEnglish
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


  • International Classification of Diseases
  • blood glucose
  • hypoglycemia
  • ischemic stroke
  • risk factors


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