How risky is it to remove an airway stent?

Bertin D. Salguero, Abhinav Agrawal, Christian M. Lo Cascio, Matsuo So, Udit Chaddha

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Background: Airway stent removal has traditionally been associated with a high complication rate. Most studies on stent removal are over a decade old, prior to newer anti-cancer therapies, and by including non-contemporary and uncovered metal stents, may not reflect the current practices. We review our experience at Mount Sinai Hospital to report outcomes of stent removal with more contemporary practices. Methods: A retrospective review was carried out of all the airway stent removals performed between 2018 to 2022, in adult patients with benign or malignant airway diseases. Stents inserted and removal for stent trials for tracheobronchomalacia were excluded from the final analysis. Results: Forty-three airway stents removals in 25 patients were included. Twenty-five (58%) stents were removed in 10 patients with benign diseases, and 18 (42%) stents were removed in the remaining 15 patients with malignant diseases. Patients with benign disease were more likely to have their stent removed (OR 3.88). 63% of the stents removed were silicone. The most common reasons for stent removal were migration (n = 14, 31.1%) and treatment response (n = 13, 28.9%). Rigid bronchoscopy was used in 86% of cases. Ninety-eight percent of removals were accomplished in a single procedure. The median time to removal of stents was 32.5 days. Three complications were noted: hemorrhage (n = 1, 2.3%) and stridor (n = 2, 4.6%); one not directly related to the stent removal. Conclusions: Covered metal or silicone airway stents, in the era of contemporary stents, better cancer-directed therapies and surveillance bronchoscopies, can be removed safely with the use of rigid bronchoscopy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107320
JournalRespiratory Medicine
StatePublished - Sep 2023


  • Airway stents
  • Bronchoscopy
  • Interventional pulmonology
  • Lung cancer
  • Rigid bronchoscopy
  • Self-expanding metallic stent
  • Silicone stent
  • Stent removal


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