Heavy Oil Processing. Fluid Catalytic Cracking. Residual Oil Upgrading-Delayed Coking

Anil Rajguru, H. David Sloan, Richard Bonelli, Jerry Lacatena, Gary R. Brierly, Patrick Laabs, Keith Osborn, Kajal Roy, Krik V. Krikorian, Sudbir Menon, Luis E. Marquez, Hieu Tran, Thomas L. Hraban, Edward F. Juno, Paul J. Ellis, Stanley Carp, Frank J. Kleinschrodt, Tariq Malik

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


A question and answer session on heavy oil processing sponsored by NPRA in 1993 covers the experience in using remote operated block valves in delayed coking units, to reduce the time spent in the coke drum switch; experiences with packing and spray nozzles in the coker fractionator, as well as the risks and pressure drop comparisons; typical run length between outages for furnace decoking; additives for the control of furnace fouling in delayed cokers; experience in coking units when drilling directly to crushers or conveyors; advantages of alonizing coker heater tubes; improvements made to reduce top head vapors during the unheading cycle; improvements made to the quench procedure to reduce drum thermal stresses without increasing cycle time; recent experience with advanced control systems on cokers to minimize operational upsets during drum switching and warm-up phases of the coking cycle; effect of low pressure and/or low throughput on HGO quality, coke quality, and overhead line coking; and limitations associated with reduction in throughput ratio and/or coke drum operating pressure.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2000
Externally publishedYes


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