Familial Associations in Testicular Cancer with Other Cancers

Luyao Zhang, Hongyao Yu, Otto Hemminki, Asta Försti, Kristina Sundquist, Kari Hemminki

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13 Scopus citations


Familial risks for testicular cancer (TC) are among the highest of all cancers. However, data are limited for histological types of TC and for possible familial associations of TC with other cancers. We used the nationwide Swedish Family-Cancer Database for years 1958 to 2015 to analyse familial relative risks (RR) for 11,138 TC patients when first-degree relatives were diagnosed with TC or other cancer in reference to those without a family history. A total of 191 familial TCs were found, which accounted for 2.0% of all TC. The RR was 5.06 when one family member was diagnosed with TC with no significant difference between seminoma and nonseminoma. However, the risk for nonseminoma was 33.59 when two family members were affected. Internally consistent familial associations of TC, particularly of seminoma, were found with breast and nervous system cancers and melanoma. Individual significant associations were found for a number of sites, including ovarian, endometrial and prostate cancers. Our results suggest that nonseminoma may have a stronger genetic background than seminoma but seminoma shares more familial associations with discordant cancers. Clustering of TC with hormone-dependent cancers of the breast, ovary, endometrium and prostate may suggest mechanistic links and possibly gene-environment interactions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number10880
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2018


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