Experimental study on fatigue crack growth in a titanium alloy

Qing Fen Li, Peng Wang, Dong Liu, Jun Wang, Hong Juan Liu, Yan Bo Wang

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1 Scopus citations


A series of test for the fatigue crack growth rate da/dN and the threshold ΔKth values were performed with CT specimens on a ship-condenser material titanium alloy plate and rolled ring. Base metal, welded joint and HAZ (heat affected zone) materials were used to make different test specimens. Specimens made from the titanium plate were cut along L-T direction, those made from rolled ring were obtained along C-R and L-R direction respectively. Results show that the fatigue crack growth rate value of welded joint is much higher than those of base metal and HAZ material. The da/dN values of C-R direction specimens are much higher than those of L-R direction specimens, whereas the ΔKth values are lower. It means that welding process may lead to a great reduction in the fatigue property for titanium alloy and the effect of crack orientation on fatigue property is not negligible for titanium alloy. To select a proper orientation of titanium material is therefore very important in engineering practice. Results also indicate that a simplified method can be used to calculate the ΔK th, values for titanium material, that is, ΔKth values may be calculated directly from the da/dN expression in a zone near the threshold and the laborious measurements of ΔKth may therefore be saved.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2489-2494
Number of pages6
JournalKey Engineering Materials
Volume297-300 IV
StatePublished - 2005
Externally publishedYes


  • Fatigue crack growth
  • HAZ
  • Titanium alloy
  • Welded joint


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